Natal Chart Reading
A natal chart reading explores the many lessons you came to teach and learn through the signs, planets and placements.
Synastry Chart Reading
Synastry charts explore comparing two charts to see how a relationship (with a parent, spouse, child, partner or friend) can both challenge you and create space for healing. I must have permission to create the charts for both people.
Kate Ingersoll-Meszaros has been an award-winning educator for over thirty-five years, first as an elementary school teacher, now as a hatha yoga instructor for adults and children of all ages. Kate specializes in teaching yoga as a tool for self-discovery, mindfulness and stress relief. She has developed yoga classes that teach not only poses and breathing techniques, but also information about meditation, chakras, and Reiki energy. As an astrologer, Kate invites you to explore the soulfulness of your journey and the many ways in which you can make choices that will both empower you and create a more conscious life.
You can find Kate online at and on her YouTube channel.
Astrology Reading
$40 for a half hour
$70 for a full hour
Synastry Chart Reading
$50.00 for a half hour
$80 for a full hour
Cash or check
To schedule your astrology or synastry reading:
Call/email Harmony at 419.517.0047 or